A new online signature experience

Niek Hagen


As of today you are no longer required to manually download, print, sign, scan, and upload your agreements. Artistu now has the ability to create an online signature flow for your agreements. Simply assign a contact to a booking agreement and Artistu automatically sends them an e-mail with the online signature page.

How it works

Simply create an agreement as usual. If you have filled in the e-mail of the bookings' client Artistu will automatically fill in the e-mail field in the e-sign request form. When filling the form the system presents you with the option to add invoices to the agreement. In that way a single e-sign request can be used to communicate the agreement and the invoice at the same time.

Creating the e-sign request

After pressing the send button the client receives an e-mail with a link to the e-sign page. Here they can sign the agreement and download a copy for their own records.

The e-sign page

After the client has signed you will automatically receive a notification of the status and are presented the ability to countersign it via the admin panel.

E-sign countersign

The agreement is now signed and stored in the agreement overview. You can download it at any time and it can not be altered anymore.


Have a go! Sign up today and let us know what you think.